GIC DepartmentsA structured way that help us strive and be organized for the glory of our LORD

GIC is presently blessed to have fifteen departments each headed by a director/head of the department and a team of departmental leadership. The departments are briefly described as follows:


We believe our children are tomorrow’s leaders. This department is empowering them in their different age levels to pray, worship, reading and meditating on the Word, witnessing and visiting the needy. The department also organises social and sporting activities like swimming, which helps in develop kids’ intellectual abilities.


Fundamental role of youth leadership is making disciples as commanded by the Lord in Mathew 28:18-20. We believe we are changed to change people of all levels in and outside our Country.

We believe in being on the cutting edge, therefore we have determined to teach and encourage youth create awareness on use of technology on their day to day lives and for the ministry.

We believe in social life, therefore our youth are engaged in different social events like beach games, nyamachoma (barbecue) parties while discussing different issues on retreats for team building.


Worshiping God concerns one’s life and not just the singing. Our worship team named The Harmony, leads our church in praising and worship during church services.

The key mission of the team is to know how to approach God and lead His people into His presence. The team is also spreading the Gospel through worship, reaching out to youth groups in schools and colleges with the aim of making every individual worship God the Father in spirit and in truth as written in John 4:23 KJV.

The Church has a yearly Worship celebration service named “Together in Worship” in which The Harmony team is the host arranging the event and collaborate with other teams and individuals with a call for worship.

The Harmony is preparing start a one full day of worshiping God in every quarter of the year beginning next year.


The department believes in the power of prayer to change situations, Jeremiah 9:17-18.

Their major responsibilities are to pray for: the Church and Pastors, people of all levels in the nation, Evangelism, caring for the needy, studying, sharing and meditating on the Word.

The department also engages in social activities, networking with other women sharing talents and knowledge for the partnership in transforming homes and communities.


The Men’s fellowship aims to lead and caring for the church and families by encouraging men on all levels to fulfill their obligations and duties of leadership. They are engaged in the work of Evangelism, care for the needy, studying and meditating on the Word; also engaged in social activities to encourage other men in joining the team for sharing knowledge and experiences to eventually improve quality of lives in communities.

Prayers and Intercession

These are the men and women on watch for the Church (Habakkuk 2:1, Isaiah 62:6-7), responsible to arrange all church prayers and fasting schedule for all church departments. The aim is to empower all church members to know the importance of prayers and intercession.

Praying and practise and walk in prayers through the Word of God: “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” (Ephesians 6:18 KJV).


This department ensures a smoothly running church services and ministers to people in a variety of practical ways. The specific responsibility of an usher includes meeting and welcoming/assisting people as they arrive for the service, assisting people with special needs, and collecting the offering.

They distribute Church information in brochures and collect all registration and slips for our new members and visitors. The church provides identification name tags to easily identify ushers.


This department is involved in both person to person evangelism as well as leaders of congregational evangelism. The focus being our Lord’s Great Commission of reaching out to the nations with the Good News of the Gospel. Their fundamental role is making disciples who will then go on to make more disciples. The Great Commission is a key text in this regard (Mat 28:18-20).


This department deals with all church financial management and transactions; in proving necessary advice on how the church funds can be used. It is concerned with and pioneering of different ways for the church to generate income and advice on all issues pertaining church income and expenditures.

Information Technology

The major role of this department is to enhance IT use in the Ministry such as record and broadcasting all activities of the church in services and out of church activities store them for future history. IT department work hand with Worship and Administration departments making sure that all important announcements are reaching church members and society as a whole using current technology.

Cell Groups Ministry

Home cell group ministry is very important in the church. Currently the church has five cell groups, they foster close relationship between believers who are in the same residential area. To have opportunity to minister to their fellow neighbours and welcome them to church and also at times provide for the needy in their particular community.

At selected residential, discuss the Word of God, praying for one another and visiting their neighbourhood to share the Gospel. Cell groups give opportunities for leadership development within the church.

Scripture education and Discipleship

This department provides short courses for new believers and deals with developing and conducting trainings on all subjects to help new disciples and other church members to grow in faith.


This department is working closely with the Ushers to create a good homely welcome atmosphere for all church guests, providing refreshments, arranges meals and other snacks during selected church social gatherings as well as caring for new visitors after church services.

They arrange for transport, hotel reservations and make sure that they are comfortable.

This department create an opportunity for visitors to meet the Church leadership after church service.

Altar Decorators

This department takes care of the Altar decor. They design, buy materials and other decorations for the church. They are responsible for cleanness of the church meeting hall, premises and office rooms and rest rooms.

Church Development and Projects

This department is responsible to initiate projects find opportunities for such oversee and handle all church projects.

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God's own International Church
Skanska, Tegeta, Dar es Salaam
Tanzania, East Africa.

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